Does anybody really know what is going on ?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Mental Health Program needs some Help

The article on mental health reforms in the Dallas News, I am appalled by how it always seems
that the people that need help from the local government are usually the ones that don't get it.
I completely agree with Mr. Coleman from Houston, we as a society need to take better care of
the individuals that are unable to care for themselves. Texas is currenlty not doing a very good
job of caring for these individuals.

Is the answer to close the state schools and other facilities and move our government dollars to
private facilities? I do not believe that our state facilities are beyond of the point of repair.
I believe that with better pay and more training, the facilities could be better staffed and
the staff could also be better prepared to do the jobs that are expected of them.

I think that what needs to be reviewed is one basic question; If you sister, brother, mother, father, husband or wife was mentally ill, who would you want to be taking care of them?
Chances are that with the current state of affairs it would not be the State of Texas.