Does anybody really know what is going on ?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Health Care Anyone?

After reading the article on Clinton and Obamas' plans for economic recovery, I noticed that neither nominee mentioned anything about trying to fix America's health care crisis. Do these nominees not think having nearly 50 million Americans with out health coverage is a crisis in the economy? With one out of every six people uninsured and the majority of these uninsured peopole being children. And the cost of health insurance rising more and more each year I believe this should be an issue in our economy these nominees should take an interest in. I think someone should be proposing a way to reduce the cost of health insurance for those Americans who cannot afford it and/or those who are unemployed.

Clinton's focus for bringing the economy out of recession is on a $2.5 billion job retraining program, which would help the government place displaced workers. Obama's focus is on a $30 billion campaign to rescue struggling homeowners and the jobless. Before the primary elections I heard little from Obama about the homeowners crisis and more about the health care crisis. Why is he changing his strategy now? I guess we will find out come November which issue is the most important in the eyes of the citizens who will have a voice in the popular vote, and weather or not the nominee chosen to be our President will fulfill his/her proposals to the people of the United States.

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