Does anybody really know what is going on ?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Teachers. Need a Raise?

completely agree with Zack's article titled, "Raise Teacher Salaries, Fire the Rest". The school system does not need to be run the way it is, and teachers of all people should get paid a lot more than what they do. They pave the road for young minds in this world and they don't get paid enough for it.
I agree that there are way to many "extra" people working in school districts these days, like Zack mentioned in his article, the assistants for example. but that isn't it, I personally don't think the school system needs to hire people to practically babysit the children who decided to act out in class, for example these employees would work in the "in school suspension" part. I think that part of public school systems should be made away with, just because the system doesn't need to give bad students extra attention, and they definitely don't need to be hiring people that take away from the income of regular teachers. So yes I agree that all these "extra" employees need to be done away with and the teachers need a raise.Delete

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